Curtin Tabletop (CT)
powered by TidyHQWelcome to Curtin Tabletop!
Are you interested in board games? Small games? Big games? Megagames? Tabletop roleplaying games? I hope so, because that's what we like to do here at CT. We run two weekly events, one ttrpg night (on Tuesdays) and one games night (on Fridays). We also run a plethora of larger events such as our biyearly ttrpg oneshot day, Rollout, and our large scale live action team based board game, MEGAGAME (have you noticed a theme about our events?). If any of that interests you consider becoming a member! It isn't necessary for our weekly events (unless you want cheaper pizzas), but it is required for our larger events.
- Curtin Students (Ordinary Members): You get cheaper pizzas at our weekly events and access to our yearly events, as well as, the ability to vote at General Meetings!
- Non-Curtin Students (Associate Members): Are you not a Curtin student? Welcome anyway! You can still get all the benefits of being a member of the club, but you won't be able to vote at our General Meetings.